
Department of Political Science

About the Political Science

Established in 1972, the Department of Political Science offers higher education in the field of political science and its allied subjects. The department has a rich library for students and teachers. The faculty members of the department have been engaged in quality research.

Programmes/Academie Activities

  1. Procedure of constitutional amendment in Indian Constitution by I.D. Mishra, Professor, D.D.U., Gorakhpur, U.P. on 30.10.2010
  2. Indian Political Culture by Dr. Furkan Ahmed, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi on 15.02.2011
  3. Womens’ Empowermentby Dr. Sriprakash Mani Tripathi, Professor of Pol. Sc., D.D.U., Gorakhpur, U.P. on 22.09.2011
  4. by Dr. Ram Ranvir Singh, Prof. & Head Dept. of Pol. Sc., V.K.S.U., Ara on 08.02.2012
  5. Dimensions of Regionalism in India by Dr. R.K. Lal, Retd. Professor of Pol. Sc., Patna Univeristy, Patna on 09.07.2012
  6. Indo-Bangladesh relations in the present contexts by Dr. Srikrishn Jha, Retd. Professor & Head Dept. of Pol. Sc., D.D.U., Gorakhpur on 28.08.2012
  7. “Changing dynamics of International Politics” by Dr. S.N. Malakar, Professor, School of International Studies, JNU, New Delhi on 29.07.2013
  8. Seminar on Challenges of Alternative Politics by Dr. P.K. Choudhary, Senior Fellow, ICHR, New Delhi on 12.02.2014
  9. Local Self Government : A Laboratory of grass root democracy by Dr. Rajni Ranjan Jha, Professor & Ex. Head, B.H.U., Varanasi on 24.04.2014
  10. National Seminar on Emerging trends in Indian Politics by Dr. Suraj Yadav, Dr. Ratan Lal & Dr. P.K. Choudhary from University of Delhi and Dr. Sanjay Paswan, (P.U.) & Sri Abdul Bari Siddique, Leader, legislative Party, RJD from Patna on 16-17 December, 2014

Name of Ex-Heads

  1. Rudra Nath Thakur
  2. Shankar Kumar Jha
  3. Deep Narayan Mishra
  4. Satrughan Prasad
  5. Anil Kumar Singh
  6. Anil Kumar Jha
  7. Jagdish Pd. Yadav
  8. Dr. Rabindra Choudhary
  9. Prof. Jitendra Narayan

Faculty Member


Sl. No. Name Designation Mobile E-mail id Photo
1. Dr. Muneshwar Yadav Professor & Head 9472392123 [email protected]
2. Dr. Ghanshyam Roy Associate Professor 9570844366 [email protected]
3. Dr. Mukul Bihari Verma Associate Professor 9934109863 [email protected]


Year Title of Book Author Name of the Publisher ISBN No. of Books
2009 India Germany and European Union :
A Partnership Perspectives
Dr. S.N. Prasad Axis Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 978-81-924740-2-1
2012 Democracy in India : Challenges & Prospects Dr. A.K. Jha & others Axis Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 978-97-8130-55
Indo-Nepal foreign Policy Dr. A.K. Jha Read Publications, New Delhi 778-93-81302-69-9
2013 Right to Public Service Dr. A.K. Jha Axis Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 978-93-81320-620
2013 India After Indra nationalism Content and Challenges Dr. M.Yadav Jankri Prakashan Patna 978-93-8131-3-17-6
2014 Indian Politics in Today’s Perspective Dr. S.N. Prasad Axis Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 978-93-82835-86-8

Seminar / Conferences / Workshop

Name of Seminar / Workshop Funding Agencies Status
Book’s release ceremony cum Symposium on Regionalism in Indian Politics Self generated Held in Sept. 2012
Seminar on Chanllenge of Alternative Politics Self generated Held in Feb. 2014
National Seminar on Emerging trends in Indian
UGC, through LNMU, Darbhanga Held in 16-17 Dec. 2014
International E-Conference (Offline Too) On Relevance of Gandhism in the Contemporary Era LNMU, Darbhanga 26,27 February 2021
INational Seminar on Babu Jagjivan Ram and Treansforming India LNMU, Darbhanga 05 April 2021