
Department of Home Science

About the Home Science

The University Department of Home Science was established in 1991. At present, it conducts MA Home Science two-year Course with Semester System of examination. The sanctioned intake of the Department is 120 students per year, and as of now, there are total of 134 students of PG in Session 2014-16 and 2013-15 on its Roll. The Department has successfully conducted six-month pre-Ph.D. course on Research Methodologies for the PRT-passed research scholars. Various activities initiated in the Department during the academics year 2019-20 include the lecture series, brainstorming session, debate competition, Poster making competition, slogan writing competition and competition on making “best out of waste”. These activities have brought forth an academic flexibility to facilitate a holistic development of students.

For the first time, PG final semester students were encouraged to carried out research in all the five branches of Home Science i.e. Food and Nutrition, Clothing and textile, Family Resource Management, Human Development and Extension Education. Students gave a wonderful response and submitted the dissertation in almost all the branches mentioned above. This practice would further identify the student’s interest area and would provide the opportunity to each one of them to excel in their own field of choice. Furthermore, it will provide a variety in the researches produced by the department.

Former HoD's

Sr.No. Name Mobile Email Id Period
1 Dr. Shyama Choudhary N/A N/A 04.02.1992 - 24.08.2008
2 Dr. Nirmala Jha N/A N/A 25.08.2008 - 31.08.2011
3 Dr. Sarojini Dev N/A N/A 01.09.2011 - 31.08.2014
4 Dr. Eesha Sinha N/A N/A 01.09.2014 - 31.12.2016
5 Dr. Nirmala Jha N/A N/A 01.01.2017 - 31.10.2019

Faculty Members

Sr.No. Name Designation Mobile Email Id Photo
1 Dr. Divya Rani Hansda Professor and Head NA [email protected]
2 Dr. Pragati Assistant Professor NA NA
3 Dr. Aprajita Kumari Assistant Professor NA NA
4 Dr. Prachi Marwaha Assistant Professor NA NA